Our Iwama Aikido Story
Aikido Auckland Seishinkan is Auckland’s direct link to the birthplace of Aikido in Iwama, Japan. Iwama Aikido is famous for;
a unique blend of power, precision, and practicality
logical explanations rooted in the traditional teachings of Aikido's founder, Morihei Ueshiba
emphasising the importance of mastering fundamental techniques and seamlessly integrating them into dynamic situations
weapons training which enhances spatial awareness, timing, and the ability to maintain calm under pressure
The Founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), lived the last third of his life in Iwama, a rural village northeast of Tokyo. He called Iwama the “birth-place of Aikido” and spent his time there developing Aikido, farming, and engaging in spiritual practice.
Ueshiba taught systematically in Iwama and encouraged robust and energetic training. He developed sword and staff practice in Iwama as a cornerstone of Aikido training.
Ueshiba was supported in Iwama by Morihiro Saito (1928-2002) and his family. Saito was one of Ueshiba’s most powerful and respected students, succeeding him as the Chief Instructor of the Iwama Dojo and custodian of the Aiki Shrine. Saito made it his life’s work to uphold Ueshiba’s teaching in Iwama. In particular he emphasised the integration of weapons and empty-handed training. Saito became one of Aikido's most influential teachers and attracted students from across the globe to train in Iwama.
Our Chief Instructor, Alan Roberts, studied with Saito in Iwama from 1988 to 1993, including a year living at the dojo as an uchideshi (inside apprentice), the only teacher in Aotearoa New Zealand to have undergone such training. Aikido Auckland Seishinkan began when Roberts returned to New Zealand in 1994, bringing Iwama Aikido to Auckland.
Aikido Auckland Seishinkan maintains a strong connection with the Iwama Dojo. Our daily training continues the Iwama heritage. We travel regularly to train in Iwama and directly experience our connection to the Founder of Aikido and the birth-place of Aikido.
Join us to discover the power, discipline, and harmony of Iwama Aikido and experience the beauty and timeless wisdom flowing from the root of Aikido.
Morihei Ueshiba oversees Morihiro Saito teaching in the Iwama Dojo