ago (顎) jaw, chin
Aiki Jinja (合気神社) Aiki Shrine in Iwama, Japan
Aiki Jinja Rei Taisai (合気神社例大祭) Grand Festival of Aiki, commemoration on 29 April at the Aiki Jinja
arigatō (有り難う) thank you (informal)
arigatō gozaimashita (有り難うございました) thank you very much (formal past)
arigatō gozaimasu (有り難うございます) thank you very much (formal non-past)
ashi (足) leg, foot
ashikubi (足首) ankle
ashisabaki (足捌き) footwork
atama (頭) head
atemi (当て身) strike (to a vital point)
bokken (木剣) wooden sword
bokutō (木刀) wooden sword
budō (武道) martial way
budōka (武道家) someone who follows a martial way
budōkan (武道館) hall for martial arts
bujin (武人) martial person
buki (武器) weapon
bukiwaza (武器技) weapons technique(s)
bushin (武神) martial spirit
chūdan (中段) mid level
chūdan zuki (中段突き) mid level thrust (to chest)
dan (段) step, degree (black belt rank)
dō (道) way (Chinese - dao)
dōgi (道着) training uniform (literally: way clothes)
dōjō (道場) training area (literally: place of the way)
dōjōchō (道場長) head instructor of a dōjō
dōmo arigatō (どうもう有り難う) thank you
dōmo arigatō gozaimashita (どうもう有り難うございました) Thank you very much indeed (past)
dōmo arigatō gozaimasu (どうもう有り難うございます) Thank you very much indeed (non-past)
-dori (取り) from the verb toru to take, to grasp
Dōshu (道主) Head of the Way, hereditary title within the Ueshiba family for the leader of the Aikikai
embu (演武) demonstration
eri (襟) collar, lapel
erijime (襟絞め) collar strangle
fukuro shinai (袋竹刀) bamboo and leather practice sword
fudōshin (不動心) unmoving spirit
funakogi undo (船漕ぎ運動) boat rowing exercise
-gaeshi/kaeshi (返し) return, reverse, turnover
ganmen (顔面) face
ganseki otoshi (岩石落とし) dropping rocks and stones (technique)
-garami (絡み) from the verb karamu to twist up or entangle
-gatame/katame waza (固め技) grappling technique
gedan (下段) low level
-geri/keri (蹴り) a kick
-giri/kiri (切り) a cut
go (五) five
godan (五段) fifth dan (black blet)
gokyū (五級) fifth kyū
gomen nasai (御免なさい) I’m sorry
gyaku (逆) reverse
hachi (八) eight
hachidan (八段) eighth dan
hai (はい) yes
hajime (初め) begin
hakama (はかま) pleated trousers
hanmi (半身) half body (posture); also omote sankaku
hanmi handachi (半身半立ち) one person standing and one person sitting
happō (八方) eight directions
happō giri (八方切り) cuts in eight directions
hara (腹) abdomen, belly
hassō no kamae (八相の構え) stance with the weapon held vertically at right shoulder
henkawaza (変化技) variant technique
hidari (左) left
hiji (肘) elbow
hitoemi (一重身) single body (posture); also ura sankaku
hiza (膝) knee
hyaku (百) hundred
ikkyō (一教) first learning (technique)
ikkyū (一級) first kyū
in (陰) yin (Chinese); negative/receptive principle
irimi (入身) entering
iriminage (入身投げ) entering throw (technique)
jiyū geiko (自由稽古) free training
jiyū waza (自由技) freestyle techniques
jō (杖) staff
jōdori (杖取り) staff taking/disarming
jōnage (杖投) staff retention
jōdan (上段) upper level
jōdan no kamae (上段の構え) upper level stance, stance with weapon held above forehead
jōdan zuki (上段付) upper level thrust (to face)
jū (十) ten
jūji (十字) figure ten (cross shape)
jūjinage (十字投) cross shaped throw (technique)
jūtai (柔体) flexible body
jutsu (術) art
kaeshi waza (返し技) reversal/counter technique
kaiten (回転) revolve, turn, spin
Kaitennage (回転上げ) revolving throw
kakato (かかと) heel
kamae (構) stance, posture, attitude
kami (神) deity
kamidana (神棚) small indoor Shintō shrine
kamiza (上座) upper seat (area near the front of the dōjō)
kangeiko (寒稽古) cold training, midwinter training
kansetsu (関節) joint
kansetsu waza (関節技) joint technique
kata (形) form, shape (prearranged sequence of movements)
kata (片) single
kata (肩) shoulder
katadori (肩取り) shoulder grab
katame waza (固技) grappling/imobilising/pinning technique
katana (刀) sword
katate (片手) one hand
katatedori (片手取り) single hand grab
keiko (稽古) training
keikogi (稽古着) training clothes
ken (剣) sword
keri (蹴り) kick
kesagiri (袈裟切) to cut diagonally along the lapel
ki (気) universal energy (Chinese - chi)
kiai (気合) assembled energy (often expressed as energetic vocalisation)
kihon (基本) basic
kimusubi (気結び) tying together of energy
ki no nagare (気の流れ) flowing with ki (fluid performance of techniques)
kiri (切) a cut
kiru (切る) to cut
kissaki (鋒) tip of the sword blade
kiza (起坐) kneeling on heels with toes curled under
kodachi (小太刀) small sword
kohai (後輩) junior
kokoro (心) heart, mind, spirit
kokoro gamae (心構) attitude
kokyu (呼吸) breath; in aikidō a particular sort of whole-body power
kokyuhō (呼吸方) breath method/exercise
kokyunage (呼吸投) breath throw (technique)
koryū (古流) old school
koryū bujutsu (古流武術) old school martial arts (pre 1863 Japan)
konbanwa (こんばんは) good evening
konnichiwa (こんにちは) good day
kōsadori (交差取り) cross-hand grab
koshi (腰) waist, hip, lower back
koshi ita (腰板) back-plate of hakama
koshinage (腰投) hip throw (technique)
kotai (固体) solid
kōtai (交代) change roles
kote (小手) wrist
kotegaeshi (小手返) wrist reversal (technique)
kotodama (言霊) Japanese study of or belief in the mystical power of language
kū (空) emptiness, void
kubi (首) neck, head
Kubinage (首投) neck/head throw (technique)
kuchi (口) mouth
kudasai (下さい) please
kūden (口伝) oral transmission, secret spoken instruction
kumijō (組杖) paired staff routine
kyū (九) nine
kyū (級) level (pre black belt rank)
kyusho (急所) vital point
maai (間合) spacing
mae (前) front
mae ukemi (前受身) forward roll
maki (巻き) wrap
massugu (真っ直ぐ) straight
men (面)face
menkyo (免許) license
migi (右) right
mimi (耳) ear
misogi (みそぎ) purification
mō ichidō onegaishimasu (もう一同お願いします) once more please
mokusō (黙想) concentration, meditation
morotedori (諸手取り) two hands grabbing one
mudansha (無段者) someone who does not have a black belt
munadori (胸取り) chest grab
mune (胸) chest
musubi (結び) tie up, knot, unite
mute (無手) without hands
nagare (流れ) flow
nage (投) a throw, the person who throws
nageru (投げる) to throw
naka (中) inside, during
nana (七) seven
nanadan (七段) seventh dan
naname (斜め) diagonal
newaza (寝技) ground techniques
ni (二) two
nidan (二段) second dan
nikai (二回) twice
nikyō (二教) second learning (technique)
nikyū (二級) first kyū
obi (帯) belt
okuden (奥伝) deep (secret) transmission
omote (表) front
omotewaza (表技) techniques performed towards the front, techniques that may be revealed in public
onegaishimasu (お願します) please help me
osaeru (押さえる) to hold down, to restrain
osaewaza (押さえ技) pinning technique
otagai ni rei (お互い礼) bow to one another
otosu (落とす) to drop
owarimasu (終わります) to finish
oyasumi nasai (お休みなさい) good night
ōyōwaza (応用技) applied technique
randori (乱取り) random attacks
rei (礼) bow
reigi (礼儀) etiquette
riai (理合) integrated principles
ritsurei (立礼) standing bow
roku (6) six
rokkyō (六教) sixth learning (technique)
rokkyū (六級) sixth kyū
rokudan (六段) sixth dan
ryōkata (両肩) both shoulders
ryōkatadori (両肩取り) both shoulders grabbed
ryōte (両手) both hands
ryōtedori (両手取り) both hands grabbed
ryū (流) school, style
ryūtai (流体) fluid
sabaki (捌き) action, motion
san (三) three
sandan (三段) third dan
sankaku (三角) triangle
sankakujime (三角絞め) triangular strangle (technique)
sankyō (三教) third learning (technique)
sankyū (三級) third kyu
satori (悟り) awakening, enlightenment
saya (鞘) scabbard
sayōnara (さようなら) good bye
sayū (左右) right and left
seigan no kamae (正眼の構え) pure-sight stance; with butt of weapon at centre and tip at chin height
seika tanden (臍下丹田) point at the centre of gravity in the lower abdomen
senaka (背中) back
seiza (正座) kneeling
sempai (先輩) senior
sensei (先生) teacher
shi (四) four
shidōin (指導員) instructor
shihō (四方) four directions
shihōgiri (四方切り) four directional strike
shihōnage (四方投) four directional throw (technique)
shihan (師範) master teacher
shikkō (膝行) knee walking
shimeru (絞める) to strangle
shimewaza (絞め技) strangulation techniques
shinai (竹刀) bamboo sword
shinsaiin (審査員) examiner(s)
shita (下) down
shizen (自然) natural
shizen tai (自然体) natural stance, feet shoulder width apart
shodan (初段) first dan
shōmen (正面) front
shōmenuchi (正面打ち) strike to the centre of the head
shoshinsha (初心者) beginner
shugyō (修業) intensive training
shuriken (手裏剣) throwing blade
sode (袖) sleeve
sodeguchi (袖口) cuff
sōke (宗家) headmaster of particular koryū (classical Japanese martial arts)
soto (外) outside
sotodeshi (外弟子) student living outside dojo
suburi (素振り) solo weapons exercise
sumimasen (済みません) excuse me
sumiotoshi (済み落とし) corner drop (technique)
sutemiwaza (捨身技) sacrafice technique
suwariwaza (座り技) seated technique
tachi (太刀) sword
tachidori (太刀取り) sword taking/disarming techniques
tachiwaza (立ち技) standing techniques
taijutsu (体術) body art (unarmed techniques)
tai no henko (体の変更) body change (exercise)
tai sabaki (体捌き) body movement
tanden (丹田) three focal points for energy; in the lower abdomen, the chest and the forehead
taninzu gake (多人数) multiple attacks
tanken (短剣) short sword or dagger
tankendori (探検取り) knife taking/disarming techniques
tanren (鍛練) forge, discipline
tanren uchi (鍛練打ち) forging the body through striking a resilient target
tantō (短刀) short sword or dagger
tantōdori (短刀取り) knife taking/disarming
tate no kamae (立の構え) stance with jō standing vertically in front of the body
tekubi (手首) wrist
te (手) hand
te no hira (掌) palm of hand
tegatana (手刀) blade of hand
ten (天) heaven
tenchinage (天地投げ) heaven and earth throw (technique)
tenkan (転換) pivot
tenugui (手拭) hand towel
tobu ukemi (飛ぶ受身) flying fall, high fall
tori (取り) take, hold, the person performing a technique
tsuba (鍔) hand guard of sword
tsuki (付き) thrust
tsuki no kamae (付きの構え) thrust stance, stance with staff horizontal at centre height
uchi (内) inside
uchi (打ち) strike
uchideshi (内弟子) inside-aprrentice, student living in the dōjō
ude (腕) arm
udejime (腕絞め) arm bar
ue (上) up
uke (受け) person who receives a technique
ukemi (受身) “receiving-body”, safe falling skills
ura (裏) rear
ushiro (後ろ) back
ushiro ukemi (後ろ受身) backward roll
ushirowaza (後ろ技) techniques against attacks from behind
wakarimasen (わかりません) [I] don’t understand
wakarimashita (わかりません) [I] understand
wakizashi (脇差) short companion sword
waki no kamae (脇の構え) stance with sword at right side, tip to rear
waza (技) technique
yame (やめ) stop
yari (槍) spear
yawara (柔) old term for grappling/throwing
yō (陽) yang, (Chinese) positive/active principle
yodan (四段) fourth dan
yōi (用意) prepare
yoko (横) side
yoko ukemi (横受身) side roll
yokomen (横面) side of head, temple
yokomenuchi (横面打ち) strike to side of head/neck
yonkyō (四教) fourth learning (technique)
yonkyu (四級) fourth kyū
yubi (指) finger
yukkuri (ゆっくり) slowly
zanshin (残心) remaining spirit, continuous open awareness
zarei (座礼) seated bow
zazen (座禅) seated meditation
zengo (前後) front and back
zengo giri (前後切り) cutting front and back
zenshin (全身) whole body