Yūdansha Retreat

15th to 17th March

Our 2024 Yūdansha Retreat is scheduled for the weekend 15th to 17th March 2024.

There are four, one-hour training session per day, starting at 9:30am and ending at 4:30pm. Meals are communal and accommodation is marae style in the dōjō. For meals, we try to plan for an omnivorous group and a vegan group as well as having an easy gluten free eating option, so if you have particular dietary requirements let us know.

If you need to stay the Thursday or Sunday nights to better manage transportation you are very welcome.

The Retreat is $150, which includes meals. Please complete the form below and make your payment to Body Being Ltd, 06-0287-0533049-00 referenced to your name and coded "YR2024" by 31 January 2024.


Daily Training Schedule

9:30-10:30am • keiko

11:00am-12:00pm • keiko


2:00-3:00pm • keiko

3:30-4:30pm • keiko



Yūdansha Retreat 2024 Enrolment Form